Sammi is a teenage ninja and Nathan is... ah...
something else. Sammi wields katanas and Nathan
collects comic books. Watch as these unlikely friends
get in and out of trouble in this comical story.
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Comic
For the full FAQ click here
• Q: Why are there only three characters?
A: There are more... They just haven't
been introduced yet. Characters will be added to
the profiles as they debut in the comic.
• Q: When will the comic be back on a regular basis?
A: I'm not sure. This is the second time I've put the
comic on hiatus, and while I hate to do it, I just don't
have the time to update the comic every week right now.
But I'll try to get back to doing that as soon as I can.
• Q: Will you accept my fanart of your characters?
A: Yeah! As long as I have space to host it, I'll try to put up
the fanart I recieve. But regardless, I always love seeing fanart!
So send it on! ^_^
• Q: Do you want guest strips for your manga?
A: Sure! I'd love to see your versions of my characters and
things you'd like to see happen. ^_^ You can also email me
about things you'd like to see happen in FI...
and who knows? Maybe I'll use it!
• Q: Can I use your art on my site and not give you any credit?
A: No! My art is copyrighted and I won't allow anyone to use it
without my permission. I spend alot of time and effort on each one.
If you would like to use a piece of art, email and ask me first.
As always, email me with questions and you might see them here!